Jesus Christ once mentioned the desolating sacrilege to His disciplines. That was when He was telling them about many signs that would take place during the end-time. He mentioned it in reference to what Prophet Daniel said would happen (Matt. 24:15).
What is desolating sacrilege in the holy place? What are the implications? It is the infiltration of abominations, immoralities and atrocities in the house of God! And it is the agents of Satan masquerading as ministers of the gospel at the pulpits.
It is magic being performed in the guise of miracles by witches and wizards in the house of God! What are never expected to be seen or heard in the house of God are flagrantly taking place.
The news and social media are constantly replete with stories of immoralities and iniquities in the house of God. Presumed men and women of God are usually accomplices. Members are not exempted either.
Ritual killings, stealing, false prophesies, indictment of innocent souls etc., have become common occurrences!
These are cases of desolating sacrilege in the holy place to herald the imminence of end-time! The implications of these expectations are diverse. As wickedness multiplies geometrically, the love of many faithful will grow cold.
In consequence, a spate of backsliding will ensue. Only a few will be found faithful when Jesus Christ returns!
Will you number among the few who will endure the rigours of these abnormalities to the end?
The axe, indeed, is laid at the feet of the trees. Any tree which does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire of hell.
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