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The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Central African Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is set to leave the country.

According to report, the peacekeeping mission has helped the Government of DRC fight against rebels for more than two decades. However, in preparation to leaving the country, the mission has closed one of its key bases. This is following a request by the DRC Government. 

Al Jazeera reported that the mission, also known as MONUSCO, closed a major base near the city of Bukavu in a ceremony on Thursday. The ceremony was attended by the head of MONUSCO, Bintou Keita, along with DRC military and government officials.

“The base, along with others slated to close by the end of the year, will be handed over to the military.

According to report, the UN spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said this at the organization’s headquarters in New York. Speaking on Thursday, he said the peacekeepers from Pakistan, who constituted the bulk of the forces deployed in South Kivu Province, are leaving after more than 20 years of service.

He said, “Since 2003, when they were first deployed, more than 100,000 peacekeepers from Pakistan have served in South Kivu. These include 31 Pakistani soldiers who died in the line of duty, in the service of the United Nations and the people of the Congo,” he said.

Al Jazeera reported that the departure comes after the Congolese Government, said the mission is increasingly becoming unpopular. The Government stated that the mission has failed to protect civilians from armed groups.

Recall that the Government was re-elected in a disputed vote at the end of December, 2023.

“The Rwandan-backed M23 rebels and numerous other armed groups are active in restive Eastern areas of the country. Other areas include North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri Provinces. These are areas where millions of civilians face violence and internal displacement.

“About 2,000 UN soldiers were slated to leave South Kivu by the end of April. The departure will deplete the strength of MONUSCO down to 11,500 peacekeepers,” the Government said.

“Fourteen UN bases are expected to be taken over by DRC security forces. This would be followed by a phased departure of UN forces from North Kivu and Ituri.

According to Al Jazeera, the MONUSCO has been active in the DRC for more than 13 years. The group took over from an earlier UN operation in 2010.

DRC Government has also directed an African regional force, deployed last year to help end the fighting to leave the country. It also gave similar reasons for the African force to leave as that of the UN peacekeeping mission.

Source: Al Jazeera and News Agencies



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