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Circumstances are  conditions that inform prevalent situations. A child of circumstance is, therefore, a person within the vortex of such prevalent situations as fate  has allowed.

In other words, he or she may have little or no control over the dynamics of the situations. However, he or she must be affected, either favourably or unfavourably, by the situation in prevalence.

This analogy could be likened to leaders and leadership.

Most times, leadership has an established blueprint from which no incumbent leader will deviate.

All that is required of any sitting leader is just to follow the blueprints: to implement budgets, projects and so on, without his or her own personal ideological inputs.

If implementation ends well for the led, the leader is appreciated and praised. If implementation ends in hardship for the led, the leader carries the blames and criticisms.

Leadership positions are fraught with lots of secrecy and restrictions. In consequence, a leader hardly condescends into gossips to tell how hamstrung he or she is to do the will of the led at all cost.

It is only those on the seat of leadership who feel its pressure and hassles.

However it is looked at, leadership is never an easy feat. That is why prayers for leaders is highly advisable. Therefore, as the ongoing protest rages, all the religious bodies in the land ought to form themselves into a strong team of prayer warriors.

It is incumbent on them to pray for the president of the nation, the governors, ministers, commissioners and so on. It is the synergy of such combined prayers that will cover the leaders from negative spiritualities and help them to lead well.

A leader that lacks fervent prayers from the followers could end up as a child of circumstance!

Such a child battles with grave challenges and may eventually achieve below expectations. Therefore, after the nationwide protests, let there be a nationwide intercessory prayer for Nigerian leaders.

Good leadership does not just come by one person’s effort alone, but by the combined efforts of all the stakeholders!






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