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The nationwide protests have come and gone. The peaceful dust raised ought to have settled. After storm, comes calm.

The parties to the protests and the major protest statements remain and await necessary attention and action.

The Government should rise and start fulfilling the promises contained in the President’s nationwide broadcast.

The masses must watch and crave for the immediate fulfilment of those promises by the president.

This is no time for political hanky-panky: making rosy promises and failing to fulfill them.

It is not a period to indict citizens and arrest them for the parts they played in the protest. The masses have constitutional rights to make their grievances known. And that, they have done. Therefore, let the Government in power rebrand and reverse bad governance as expected by the masses.

Whoever advises arrest of any citizen in connection to the protest is a bad adviser. Such a one does not mean well for the Government in power and the entire citizenry. Therefore, let nobody be arrested, prosecuted, condemned and possibly incarcerated..

Power belongs to the people. Those to whom such power is entrusted should wield it well and not to the detriment of the masses.

Finally, let all the religious bodies in the land organize fervent prayers for the leaders. Without prayers for leaders, they may lead their followers astray. But with faithful prayers, the fear of God and sound wisdom will guide their thoughts, decisions, actions and reactions for good.






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