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Bandwagon in this context is a figurative cultural practices. It is a way of living prevailing in a society predominantly amenable to the relative practices!

Bribery and corruption are twin behavioural monsters. Born and bred in this particular bandwagon. Therefore, they are the relative cultural practices in this bandwagon.

Those riding on this bandwagon are the corruptible; who give and accept bribes. This they do for many reasons: to enrich themselves; to bend the rules; to hide the truth and deny justice.

Where bribery and corruption thrive, moral probity becomes a forgotten alternative. Only a few will be conscious of moral rectitude. And those ones usually belong to the  excluded class.

The majority population keep them at a distance, because they are not on the popular bandwagon.

Bribery and corruption are killers of conscience and moral consciousness. Where both thrive, nothing good works. Only evils are on the prowl to kill and destroy!

They create enmity among partners and usurp positions. They retard progress by serving warped and retrogressive interests.

Those riding on the bandwagon of bribery and corruption are many in the land! And they have done lots of havoc: they have destroyed the fabrics of nation building.

They employ and incite ethnicism to have their selfish ways in every national issue!

They  steal national wealth and employ same to bribe and misdirect the impoverished!

Truth has lost its value, as dishonesty becomes the order of dealings.

Bribes are given and accepted at every instance to change minds and destroy good intentions. The resultant situation becomes so complicated that cries, complaints and criticisms have become daily chants.






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