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The dead are those who have passed on or departed this earthly stage. In other words, they have cast off their mortal bodies and joined the greater beyond.

In consequence, they will no longer be physically seen, heard or interacted with. All that remain of them among the living are but memories of what they had done before they died. Such memories are mostly memorable when they are of good qualities.

And as such qualities will be greatly missed, their passing away evokes great emotions of mourning among the living. The living weep and wail;  lamenting the great losses death has inflicted by taking them away.

Such used to be the accepted culture adopted to say goodbye to the dead. But these days, such mournful disposition towards the dead seems to have gone moribund. In other words, the dead are no longer mourned, but rather celebrated.

The periods of people’s deaths have eventually become periods of celebration and merriments.

To prepare for such celebration, landed and other  properties are sold. Loans are gotten from banks. Monies are borrowed from friends and foes, to foot the bills of burials.

New buildings are hastily erected. Old ones renovated, and compound cleaning becomes elaborate.

The dead might have suffered untold inanition and excessive privation while alive. But at their death, excessive wealth is evoked and invoked into their burial arrangements and activities.

Are the dead being mourned or celebrated? This paradox has questioned and rubbished the education, the civilization and sophistication of  mankind.

Because both the literate and the illiterate population of mankind have become guilty of this crying cultural error!







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