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A startling revelation has been made by the Smart DNA, a leading DNA testing centre in Lagos, on the paternity of most children in Nigeria.

According to the Centre one in four men tested for DNA are not the biological fathers of their children.

The Centre made the disclosure in its comprehensive 2024 report on DNA testing trends in Nigeria, covering July 2023 to June 2024.

The report unveils several astonishing findings that shed light on societal dynamics, economic factors, and changing family structures in Nigeria.

The report, which was made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Sunday, showed that paternity uncertainty remained high.

According to the report, 27 per cent of paternity tests conducted came back negative. Thus, indicating that more than one in four men tested are not the biological fathers of the children in question.

“It also showed Immigration Tests surge, indicating that the “Japa” trend was high.

The report noted a significant increase in DNA tests for immigration purposes, growing more than any other test type. Indicating that more Nigerians are seeking opportunities abroad.

According to the report, the trend also suggested that a growing number of parents with dual citizenship were processing paperwork for their children’s emigration.

“On regional dominance, the report showed that Lagos dominated, a reflection of economic disparity.

The report noted that an overwhelming 73.1 per cent of all DNA tests were conducted in Lagos. It also showed a stark divide between Mainland (67.5 per cent) and Island (32.5 per cent).

“This concentration, it revealed, highlighted the economic divide within Lagos and across Nigeria. Thus, raising questions about access to such services in other parts of the country.

The report also showed that the Yoruba ethnic group accounted for 53 per cent of tests. This is followed by Igbo (31.3 per cent), with Hausa at only 1.20 per cent.

Commenting on the report, the Operations Manager at Smart DNA, Elizabeth Digia, described the report as unique.

She said: “These findings offer a unique window into the changing dynamics of Nigerian families and society.

“The high rate of negative paternity tests and the surge in immigration-related testing are particularly noteworthy.

“They reflect broader societal trends that merit further discussion and research.

“The concentration of testing in Lagos also raises important questions about accessibility and awareness of DNA testing services across Nigeria.

“As a company, we’re committed to expanding access to our services nationwide. While maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and confidentiality,’’ she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that the statistics showed that most of the children tested were aged 0 -five years (54.0 per cent). Therefore, suggesting a preference for early paternity confirmation.

Men aged 41+ (45.6 per cent) and 31-40 (37.0 per cent) were most likely to request tests. This is a potentially reflective of economic capabilities or increased paternity concerns in older men.

Also, it indicated slight gender bias in Child Testing as more tests were conducted on male children (52.8 per cent) than female children (47.2 per cent). Thus, insinuating a possible cultural preference for confirming paternity of male offspring.

According to the report, peace of mind dominates the reasons for the DNA tests. This is as the majority of tests (85.9 per cent) were conducted for ‘Peace of Mind’, rather than legal motivations.


source: NAN






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