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As threatened abinitio, the nationwide protest actually started on August 1, 2024 and so far, it has been so rough and tough.

Although some States, mostly in the Southeast, have not been involved. Other States elsewhere, are witnessing its ongoing.

As expected, placards, protest songs and discordant marching and dancing have featured profusely.

Although the protest has been relatively peaceful, there are rumours of shop bugling and property looting by hoodlums.

Security operatives have not relented in their duties, both to the nation and the citizens. They have been working assiduously to ensure maintenance of law and order.

The Government in power has not kept cool and remained unconcerned over the development. In consequence, the President has addressed the nation on the issues at stake.

From his statement, he saw with the people. And also, felt their pains consequent on the hardship in the land.

As usual, he made great promises of remedy to address the demands of the protesters. He also x-rayed lots of economic achievements and improvements so for made by this government.

Nevertheless, the effects of those acclaimed achievements and improvements are not yet felt by the masses. Hence the protest. However, as the implementation of promises made is yet to be actualized, the protest still rages on.

Therefore, so far, so rough and tough for both parties: the government in power and the hungry masses.

A hungry man is an angry man. Until his hunger is assuaged, no amount of grammar will arrest his comprehension. Therefore, let the Government start to fulfill the made promises without further delay.

Nigerians have never been known for impatience and rascality, but for suffering and smiling!

For this protest march to have held to this magnitude, they have been pushed right inside the wall.





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