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Protest is an expression of grievances against unwholesome treatment or situation. For the first time in Nigerian history, a Nation-wide protest is looming.

The target of protest is the current APC-lead government at whose helm is Bola Tinubu. The major activating cause of protest is the rising costs of living following the removal of fuel subsidy.

Since that fateful day till date, Nigerians have traversed diverse scape of hardship. Costs of petroleum products have fluctuated astronomically and affected the costs of other commodities in the land.

In consequence, families can hardly afford two square meals in a day. Sickness and death tolls continue to rise, as people can hardly afford needed medications.

Love among neighbours has become non-existent as nobody is ready and willing to extend needed charities anymore.

On radio, television programs and the social media, the accusations, criticisms and attacks on this government from the masses have become recurrent.

Right now, the verbal grievances so far expressed are about to translate to physical nationwide protests by the polity.

The current government and its allies are condemning the intended protest with their own reasons. Nevertheless, democracy entails the expression of one’s feelings and intentions. Therefore, the masses are already poised for the protest, despite the countering opinions of the government.

Whoever wears bad shoes knows where and how they pinch. The masses are dying in great numbers out of hardship.

Those at the corridors of power usually have all-round provisions. In consequence, the dint of the current hardship is not for them. Therefore, in the spirit of democracy, let the protest be held for the masses to express their grievances.

However, let the nation-wide be peaceful and violence-free.

The Government must listen to the protest statements of the masses and do something positive in the aftermath. Stopping the masses from holding the protest is like stopping a moving train.

It could be disastrous!




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