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A stranger is somebody you hardly know much about. Whether a man or a woman, you do not know him or her from Adam.

Never fall in love with or marry such a one. It is a risky adventure to establish such a union. The chances of survival and success in such a union are at infinity. Its probability of failure is mostly ninety nine percent.

Many who had dared it, eventually met with shock treatment, surprises and regrets. Some had married ghosts; others hooligans, reprobates and desperados.

When the reality of the strangers started to unfold, they had neither a resort nor a refuge. Because initially, parental questions about the true identities of those strangers might have met with their stubborn opposition.

Being desperate to get married, lots of marital conditions were not met. The preliminary enquiry and research to trace the origins of their suitors, according to tradition, were not done.

Other traditional rites like wine carrying, bride price payment and all the accompanying feasts were waived out-rightly.

They just ran to their stranger suitors and handed themselves over as wives. And when the discordant symphony started to play, they could not gracefully dance to it.

Do not repeat the mistakes of others before you. Rather learn from their mistakes and become wiser.

The explosion of internet relationships has increased the chances and tendencies of befriending and marrying  strangers. Facebook friendship differs from actual or real life  friendship.

In Facebook, you are seeing and befriending  profile pictures. Whether it is fake or real, you can only verify when you see your so-called friend face-to-face. This is because, some use other people’s pictures as their profile pictures.

In other words, in Facebook, you are dealing with only total strangers. Therefore, be wise and careful too. Neither fall in love with nor marry a stranger!



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