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Perspective connotes the way people look at things, evaluate and  appreciate them. It differs in tandem with individuality.

It is hard for two persons to reason the same way.  Judge things concurrently and always come to a common conclusion.

This characteristic divergent perspectives have been inherent in humanity abi ni tio.

It is from the podium of this reality that everybody evaluates his own perspective as the best.

In consequence, other people’s perspectives are faulty, if they fail to concur with his

If not for established standards, there would be no basis to adjudge anybody a failure.

Perfection would have been the certified banner of people in every field of endeavour.

There would be no failures in examinations, in businesses and in life, generally.

But as the status quo remains, people still consider themselves best above others.

From such highest pedestal of ‘excellence’, they rain criticisms on the efforts and inputs of others.

Those in the position of leadership will attest to this reality the best. They are always in the vanguard to receive bullets of criticisms and condemnations!

Both from those who know and those who assume to know, they are vehemently criticized and condemned.

No wonder many have developed impenetrable thick skins! No matter the barrage of criticisms hitting them, they no longer shake.

After all, no matter the efforts and inputs they make, they will still be evaluated below par.

Their eventual attitude seems to replicate the dictum, “Let every horse continue to bray and to hear itself.”

After all, everybody is right from his own perspective.



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