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Notwithstanding the criticism and concerns by Democratic Party supporters, US incumbent President, Joe Biden has defiantly told supporters Friday he would stay in the White House race. This is even as he his crossed his heart that he would defeat Donald Trump.

Biden made this declaration as he readied for a crucial TV interview to persuade doubters of his physical and mental fitness for a second term.

“With his reelection bid in peril, and an apparent rebellion from some nervous Democratic donors, the one-to-one with the ABC network has been hyped as the most consequential of the 81-year-old’s long career,” AFP stated.

Recall that many pundits have described Biden outing during the Presidential debate with Republican Party presidential candidate, Donald Trump last week as disastrous.

Following the development some Democratic Party members called for Biden to pull out of the race.

However, the Biden campaign has pushed back hard on any suggestion he may withdraw. And this was confirmed just hours before the ABC interview it released an aggressive campaign travel schedule for the rest of July.

Appearing at a campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin, the President Biden delivered an energetic stump speech. He unequivocally declared, “I’m staying in the race. I’ll beat Donald Trump.”

“As supporters cheered, he went on the attack against his rival.

“Let’s focus on what really matters,” Biden said, reading from teleprompters. “We’re running against the biggest liar and the biggest threat… to our democracy in American history — that’s not hyperbole.”

However, post-debate polls have shown Biden’s pool deficit widening. “And at least, three of his party members in Congress have now called on him to step aside. This is even as have several major newspapers and a raft of Democratic-supporting political commentators have done.

“Wealthy Disney heiress and Democratic supporter Abigail Disney, told CNBC she plans to withhold donations to the party until Biden drops out. She was quoted as bluntly saying, “if Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose” in November,” AFP stated.

“This is realism, not disrespect,” Disney said.

According to AFP, Biden has not spoken publicly without a teleprompter since the debate, other than some brief remarks.

Friday’s interview with ABC presenter George Stephanopoulos, set to be recorded in Wisconsin, will be a key moment for Biden to try to dispel the worries and reset expectations.

“With anticipation soaring, ABC has switched up its original plan of airing excerpts through the weekend. The corporation will instead broadcast the interview in full Friday at 8:00 pm (0000 GMT Saturday).

According to the reports, Biden will face an experienced interviewer known for his firm, effective style.

Recall that Stephanopoulos worked for former Democratic president, Bill Clinton during his first campaign. And was one of his closest advisors during his first term in the White House.

According to AFP, Biden will have to win back confidence with a clear and cohesive performance. This is after he was often incoherent in the debate.

Former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of the most influential Democratic voices, has deemed it “essential” he do more major interviews to prove himself.

Recall that the White House had announced Biden will hold a press conference during the NATO summit in Washington next Thursday. “But has not revealed any details on its format or length,” AFP stated.

According to White House, Biden’s travel plans include Pennsylvania this weekend, then the NATO meeting. He would be back on the campaign trail with a swing through the American Southwest.

The President will “engage in frequent off-the-cuff moments over the course of the month. As he has consistently done throughout this campaign,” his team said.

According to reports, Trump has meanwhile dared Biden to another debate. Or an “all-on discussion,” saying he was ready “anytime, anywhere, any place,” AFP.

“With speculation swirling over a potential switch in the Democratic ticket, Kamala Harris, the nation’s first female Vice President, has suddenly been in the spotlight.

Reports stated that the 59-year-old former California prosecutor joined Biden at Thursday’s July 4 celebrations. The report maintained that Harris has been performing a delicate balancing act since the debate.

“She has offered unwavering support for Biden in public. But is standing by as a leading contender to replace him if he steps aside,” the report stated.


source AFP




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