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Vladimir Putin has been sworn-in for the fifth term as Russian President. The  opulent Kremlin inauguration, which took place Tuesday, came on the heels of a devastating war in Ukraine. Putin is trying to consolidate all power in his hands.

Recall that Putin has ruled Russia for nearly a quarter-century and has become the longest-serving Kremlin leader since Josef Stalin.

Putin’s new term will run until 2030, when he is constitutionally eligible to run for another six years.

Recall that the 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in what has become Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II. The war on Ukraine by Russia has been heavily sanctioned by the West. However, Russia has being turning to other regimes like China, Iran and North Korea for support.

According to report, Russian forces are gaining ground in Ukraine, deploying scorched-earth tactics as Kyiv grapples with shortages of men and ammunition. Both sides are taking heavy casualties.

But Ukraine has brought the battle to Russian soil through drone and missile attacks, especially in border regions.

In a speech in February, Putin vowed to fulfil Moscow’s goals in Ukraine, and do what is needed to “defend our sovereignty and security of our citizens.”

Recall that shortly after his orchestrated reelection in March, Putin suggested that a confrontation between NATO and Russia is possible. The Kremlin had also declared he wanted to carve out a buffer zone in Ukraine. This is in an effort to protect his country from cross-border attacks.

“At home, Putin’s popularity is closely tied to improving living standards for ordinary Russians.

Recall that Putin began his term as President in 2018. During, which he had promised to get Russia into the top five global economies. He vowed Russia should be “modern and dynamic.” Instead, Russia’s economy has pivoted to a war footing, and authorities are spending record amounts on defense.

Analysts say now that Putin has secured another six years in power, the government could raise taxes to fund the war. He could also put more pressure on more men to join the military.

Recall that at the start of a new term, the Russian Government is routinely dissolved. This will enable Putin to name a New Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Last year, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu came under pressure over his conduct of the war. He had been criticized by mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin for shortages of ammunition for his private contractors fighting in Ukraine.

Recall that Prigozhin’s brief uprising in June against the Defense Ministry represented the biggest threat to Putin’s rule.

However, after Prigozhin was killed two months later in a mysterious plane crash, Shoigu appeared to have survived the infighting. But last month, his protege, Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, was detained. He was accused on charges of bribery amid reports of rampant corruption.

Some analysts have suggested Shoigu could become a victim of the government reshuffle. But that would be a bold move as the war is still raging in Ukraine.

source: The Nation



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