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In Nigeria, all-year-round agricultural operations is not yet generally practiced. This is as a result of the geographical calendar, which usually comes with vagaries in the seasonal weather changes. As a result, arable farming is usually done, in many  parts, during the rainy seasons of each year.

Only the northern farmers could farm all-year-round with developed irrigation system. That is why the North remains the actual food basket of Nigeria for now. Other parts are but distributors and consumers of what the northern farmers produce every year.

With the removal of fuel subsidy, the prices of farm produce and other commodities in the market have risen and continue to rise.

This reality has brought untold hardship on the masses. In consequence, most families can no longer afford three square meals per day. Not to talk of eating balanced diets.

All the strata of society and her institutions are under the hammer of the current hardship. People are struggling to survive. Though majority have become parts of the causes of the trending hardship.

All blames will eventually be on the government of the day, despite individual contributions to the prevailing hardship.

The farming season is here again. It is expected that people should go to their farms and produce the food items for next year. However, the cost of labour to farm the land has risen astronomically too.

Bush clearing per day which used to cost N2,500 has risen to N5000, with two square meals provided for the labourers.

A heap or mound that used to be made for, at worst, N40 or N50, and two square meals provided, is now made for N100 and N150 respectively.

The old farmers in the communities are too poor to foot the new bills. They are helpless in consequence!

Youths in the communities are too busy; walking about, pressing phones and betting 9ja!

The Government of the day and its officials are too busy, speaking big grammar, formulating protocols and procedures of giving agricultural loans and grants. When the disbursement of the loans and grants will commence and continue could be after this year’s farming season.

A stitch in time saves nine!

The farming season is here again. Therefore, let the Government Agricultural loans and grants be given to the real farmers now. This should be done without much official bureaucracy and waste of time!



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